• zchary's no bot

Zachary’s No-Bot

posted in: Technology | 0

Zachary made another robot – a No Bot

Smartmouse, the QA set up some tests with No-Bot

Do you know if No-Bot passes the test or not?

Read the story yourself.

Zachary’s yes bot

posted in: Technology | 0

Zachary creates a rebot. He calls it a yes-bot. Smartmouse is going to test the yes-bot.

Smartmouse says hello to yes-bot. Yes-bot says Yes.

Smartmouse asks yes-bot: “Am I a dog?” Yes-bot says Yes! Smartmouse asks yes-bot:” Am I a cow?” Yes-bot says Yes!

Smartmouse asks yes-bot: “Am I zachary ?” Yes-bot says Yes! Smartmouse fails the tests to yes-bot.

Zachary has to fix yes-bot to be better.

  • stay home and rest

Covid Bully

posted in: Health | 0

Covid bully is sick. He does not stay home. He goes to the market and spread virus to the fruit. He walks around and meet old granny and spread virus to her. He is coughing around and not cover his mouth and spread virus to the birds

He goes to school and spread virus on the school bus. He goes on a flight and spread the virus in the airplane. He goes to a cruise and spread the virus on the cruise ship.

Oh on , many people are sick. The ambulances are very busy. The doctors and nurses are very busy. The hospital are swamped with many patients. Very sad, many patients with serious illness pass away. Doctors and nurses cannot manage. The ambulances cannot manage.

The mayor of the city asks everyone to stay home. Everyone in the city will stay home and help out doctor and the nurses.

The old walker

posted in: Hong Kong Story | 0

The old walker is not happy. She is old and weak. Every day, the old woman is pushing her around the neighborhood.

The old walker says: I wish I am the bicycle. The young cyclist will ride on me and go to the mountain.

The bicycle says: I wish I am the tram. It has a nice green color and many people can ride on it.

The tram says: I wish I am a race car. It is red and can go very fast.

The race car says: I wish I am the high speed train. Everyday, it can carry hundreds of people

The high speed car says: I wish I am the walker.

It is so tiring every day to across the country. I love to spend precious time with granny. She does not have a lot of time left. It is so important we can spend more time together.


posted in: Health | 2

The coronavirus can be passed to people from many places. The virus can stay on the surface of an object , e.g. apples, your shoes.

You can catch the virus if you are too close to another person when they sneeze. The virus can pass from human to human.

It is important to keep a physical distance from people. Stay home when you are sick. Wash your hands thoroughly, Do not touch you eyes, nose, face and mouth.

  • Ho story telling
  • HSBC Lion live in Hong Kong
  • Everyone Loves HSBC Lion
  • HSBC Lion attacked
  • Fire Fighter rescue
  • Police arrest rioters
  • Thank you Police
  • Hong Kong Story
  • Eveyrone is happy

Hong Kong HSBC Lion

posted in: Hong Kong Story | 3

HSBC Lion lives in Hong Kong region inside China for a very long time. HSBC Lion is very friendly. Everyone in the city loves him. Many tourists from other countries visit HSBC Lion. Chinese from the taiwan city and macau city visits him as well.

Everyone Loves HSBC Lion

Oh no, some bad human start a fire on HSBC Lion.

The fire fighter and the water car comes to rescue.

water car rescue
Fire Fighter rescue

The police arrests the bad human that made a terrible mistake.

Thank you Police

HSBC Lion is thankful to the police. Everyone in the world wishes HSBC Lion get well soon.

HSBC Lion gets well and everyone the city is very happy.

Hong Kong Lion
Hong Kong Story