Zachary’s yes bot

posted in: Technology | 0

Zachary creates a rebot. He calls it a yes-bot. Smartmouse is going to test the yes-bot. Smartmouse says hello to yes-bot. Yes-bot says Yes. Smartmouse asks yes-bot: “Am I a dog?” Yes-bot says Yes! Smartmouse asks yes-bot:” Am I a … Continued

Covid Bully

posted in: Health | 0

Covid bully is sick. He does not stay home. He goes to the market and spread virus to the fruit. He walks around and meet old granny and spread virus to her. He is coughing around and not cover his … Continued

The old walker

posted in: Hong Kong Story | 0

The old walker is not happy. She is old and weak. Every day, the old woman is pushing her around the neighborhood. The old walker says: I wish I am the bicycle. The young cyclist will ride on me and … Continued


posted in: Health | 2

The coronavirus can be passed to people from many places. The virus can stay on the surface of an object , e.g. apples, your shoes. You can catch the virus if you are too close to another person when they … Continued